2024-2025 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog
Master of Education in Educational Leadership - Educational Leadership Emphasis
For additional information about opportunities your college offers, please refer to the College of Education and Community Innovation section in this catalog.
Website: cnyc86.com/coe/grad
We prepare our educational leadership candidates to become top performing servant leaders who will positively impact teaching and learning through transformational leadership.
The educational leadership faculty prepares candidates as building and district leaders who are committed to the success of faculty and students P-12 through the engagement of relevant and rigorous experiences, intentional teaching, reflective practice, and authentic assessments which are aligned with the Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC) standards.
Believing that schools function as social and political entities as well as for the growth of individuals, the College of Education and Community Innovation prepares teachers and leaders a) to enhance the academic and personal potential of their students, and b) to evaluate the social and ethical implications of educational policies and practices.
We value being relationally aware and respectful of our professional relationships while honoring differing perspectives of a collaborative, active working environment (service to others).
We value scholars who engage in critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, ethical behavior in decision making and lifelong learning as they produce scholarship and conduct research that inform the profession and can be applied in authentic P-12 settings (scholarly research and professional learning).
We provide access to a quality program that is student centered (teaching).
We value all voices and diverse perspectives in leading with integrity and developing a growth mindset in all of our students to advocate for social justice (leadership development).
We value reflective thinking and engaging in respectful discourse to challenge our thinking and enhance our practices.
We value faculty who are successful practitioners whose instruction is grounded in theory as well as delivered in authentic contexts.
The program is recognized by the Specialty Program Association: Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC) Michigan Department of Education.
Program Location
Program is offered at the DeVos Center on the Pew Grand Rapids Campus, located in downtown Grand Rapids, MI; the Detroit Center in downtown Detroit; and at the University Center in Traverse City, MI.
The M.Ed. degree in educational leadership requires a minimum of 33 credit hours. Each candidate for the M.Ed. degree in educational leadership must complete the following courses.
Social Foundations of Education (3 credits) Choose one:
- EDF 671 - Educational Policy and Practice (3 credits)
- EDF 672 - Social/Cultural Foundations of Education (3 credits)
Research and Evaluation (3 credits):
Emphasis Area Courses (18 credits):
- EDL 665 - Educational Leadership (3 credits)
- EDL 666 - Curriculum Leadership (3 credits)
- EDL 668 - Personnel Administration (3 credits)
- EDL 670 - School Law (3 credits)
- EDL 677 - School and Community Relationships (3 credits)
PLUS one of the following:
- EDL 667 - Elementary Supervision and Evaluation (3 credits)
- EDL 671 - Secondary Supervision and Evaluation (3 credits)
Practicum/Graduate Field Experience (3 credits):
Administrative Internship (3 credits):
EDL 685 is a prerequisite.
Students must apply in advance for each practicum course. Advisor approval is required. Application deadlines (practicum): February 15 for spring/summer, May 15 for fall, September 15 for winter semester.
Capstone (3 or 6 credits) Choose one:
EDF 660 is a prerequisite.
Students should meet with their advisor midway through the program to decide on a Capstone and discuss plans for completion. Subject to department approval, Capstone courses may be taken in variable amounts from one to three credits (EDL 693) or one to six credits (EDL 695) and require continuous enrollment each semester until completed. Application deadlines (thesis/project): February 15 for spring/summer, May 15 for fall, September 15 for winter semester.